Syn X Energy

Reducing The Carbon Footprint And Helping Reverse Global Waste Trends

Syn X Energy provide a solution to the worldwide waste issue without impacting the quality of modern-day life. In doing so, we produce valuable products such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Renewable Diesel, Hydrogen, Ammonia, Methanol, Electricity and create energy solutions and opportunities for major industries.

What are the benefits of Waste-to-X?

There are a range of environmental and economic benefits derived from our Waste-to-X plants and move countries toward achieving the 2050 zero carbon targets.

Converting waste from cities, mines and industry is a commercially viable and sound solution to waste management. Our gasification plants can convert almost 100% of all waste to reusable outputs.

A true "Circular Economy" becomes achievable as most feedstock types become valuable inputs to manufacturing, industry and communities instead of going to landfill. 


What is Waste-to-X?

Waste-to-X (WtX) refers to a set of technologies and solutions that treat waste as a resource rather than a problem. The ā€œXā€ in Waste-to-X can represent a variety of outputs, such as energy, fuels, or other valuable products.

The main goal of Waste-to-X is to decrease landfill and to produce alternative products/energy sources from residual waste while supporting the recycling industry. This is achieved by transforming waste into resources that can be used in other industries, thereby promoting a circular economy. For example, waste can be converted into liquid transport fuels for aviation, road and marine markets, petrochemical feedstocks for the circular economy, and renewable gases such as hydrogen and synthetic methane.

In summary, Waste-to-X represents a significant shift in how we view and handle waste, moving from a linear model of consumption and disposal to a circular model of resource use and reuse.


Why Waste The Waste?

Waste is part of living in the 21st century. Waste will always be a natural by-product as our future will always include waste from mining, health, technology and complimentary industries for our daily lives.

The world generates over 2.11 billion metric tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, with over 40% of this not managed in an environmentally friendly manner. Worldwide waste volumes are expected to grow by another 70% by 2050 creating a major environmental issue.

But where others see an environmental disaster, we see opportunity. The patented technology for High-Temperature Waste Gasification is revolutionising Waste-to-X plants.

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Our Plant

Syn X Energy provide a solution to the worldwide waste issue without impacting the quality of modern-day life. In doing so, we produce valuable products such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Renewable Diesel, Hydrogen, Ammonia, Methanol, Electricity and create energy solutions and opportunities for major industry.

Best-in-class, patented gasification technology and, when used in this instance, can harvest between 60 to 70% of the input energy. This gives the technology significant commercial benefits, scalability and production improvements over other competitors in the market.

It's unique in the Australian market for its scalable, high temperature single vessel process, tested and developed over a decade with input from multi-discipline engineering and industry experts in thermal and other leading-edge technologies.

Operating at temperatures in excess of 1650Ā°C, the Syn X Energy plant is capable of processing highly toxic feedstocks to safe and complete destruction and is an environmentally safe process to dispose of mixed, hazardous and clinical waste types.

Feedstocks to our gasifier units can include household waste, industrial and mining waste, medical waste, paints, hazardous waste, waste from paper industry, used tyres, rubber, scrap metal, compound materials, asbestos, clinical waste, oil sludge, electronic scrap, solar panels, etc - anything except nuclear waste and similar volatile elements. 

Our plants use GASIFICATION, not incineration.

Syn X Energy Pty Ltd, an Australian Waste-to-X Company of the Future.


The Results

High Quality Offtakes

We provide real-world, economically viable solutions to emissions reductions and landfill with high-quality offtakes.

Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Together with our refining partners, we produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel for medium to large aviation fuel companies and airlines to reduce air travel emissions.


We produce economically competitive Clean Hydrogen from waste that's cheaper than hydrogen produced from electrolysis and cleaner than hydrogen produced from fossil fuels.

Renewable Diesel

Our Waste-to-Fuel process produces a valuable form of SYNGAS that is refined into high-performance and advanced Renewable Diesel.

Renewable Methanol

Patented technology allows us to build specialist waste gasification plants that convert landfill-bound waste materials into Renewable Methanol.

generating electricity from waste

Renewably sourced electricity generated from waste improves electricity and power security and helps countries achieve energy independence. View our electricity options.

gasification of landfill waste
Waste Management

Our Waste-to-X Gasification plants convert the majority of all waste types into energy and valuable products. High temperature gasification of waste is the missing piece of the waste "Circular Economy".

Benefits of our Waste-to-X Plants

Valuable Outputs
  • Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
  • Renewable Fuels
  • Clean Hydrogen
  • Electricity Generation
  • Valuable By-Products
Environmental Solutions
  • Zero Harmful Emissions
  • Carbon Emissions Reduction
  • Waste Volume Reduction
  • Reduction Of Landfills
  • Air & Water Pollution Reduction
  • Residual Waste Management
Community Benefits
  • Reduced Landfill Emissions
  • Direct Employment 
  • Less Disease & Pests
  • Business Opportunities
  • Indirect Opportunities

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